Monday, February 20, 2006
The commit no evil ethic is all well and good, except when it means that market share is likely to be impacted upon.
The BBC reports today that Google has filed court documents rejecting the call from Bush & Co. to request a weeks' worth of user searches, citing an engineer's time, constant algorithm changes and failure of a good reason for disclosure as the main reasons not to disclose the searches...but why are they standing up to the US Government when they have bent over and dropped their pants to the Chinese?
I presume that it is nothing to do with losing out on the 2nd largest internet market in the world is it?
Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Given that linking is only ONE way that Google interprets the relevance of a website (and therefore provides the best, most relevant search results), surely using links alone is a surefire way to open the authority scale to abuse.
The great Matt Cutts quotes in January that Google themselves are cracking down on link baiting now that itr has become the subject of so much abuse.
So, this leads me to the conclusion that as linking plays only a small part of the credibility of Google's search results - and credible results are Google's bread and butter, just how much can Technorati dedicate to ensuring that the authority scale is not abused?
A great idea for the common sense blogosphere, but as soon as some idiot thinks of a way of abusing this great tool for more financial and perhaps pornographic purposes, link-derived authority is a nice idea waiting to be abused.
Monday, February 13, 2006
Comforting then for all Dell customers, to read this quote (the number one offender):
"Our teams in India have integrated well with Dell's global operation."
in response to criticism of Dell's announcement that they wil be increasing the amount of call centres and manufacturing in India!
Nothing like listening to the customer...but then again, if the customer can't get through to them, how can they hear the complaints!
see no evil, hear no may catch one!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Interesting use of gmail and gtalk
I have been reading that the integration of gmail and gtalk is altogether different than that of simply providing alternatives to msn messenger et al.
As the vast majority of people use gmail through outlook or other mail aplications, nobody is looking at the content-related ads that accompany each email - hence google are losing the click revenues generated by people actually logging in.
So, what better way to bring that revenue generation back to our view again than by integrating them in an application that must be opened (and therefore the ads being seen) to be used?!!
Gmail, Gtalk, ads, click, revenue!!!
Sent with Instant Email from T-Mobile
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Can the evolution of direct mail teach us how to use RSS and personalised home pages to create REAL 121 communication?
In a print-based DM afterlife, the ability to personalise the content of the mailing to each recipient was an incredibly potent but equally difficult method of getting that person to open and respond.
Digital print made it possible to achieve this 121 approach and bring individually targeted content to each mailing.
In light of the fact that the net and html emails (which have been around for years) have driven the consumer's desire, understanding and expectation of personalised content, why do more companies not take the lead and use personalised home pages more?
RSS can be an incredibly effective stand-alone communication channel for frequently updated (marketing) content but only once it is subscribed to.
Surely the best way of getting people to sign-up to RSS is to. provide a personalisable environment within which people already see relevant content they have created themselves?
Regular, targeted and wider-ranging content via a personalisable home page (like google home page for example) presents your company as that which provides its customer with only those things in which they are interested, presenting you with the opportunity to target even further with RSS content (or better targeted html mail).
It is just like direct mail moving from the personalisation of certain fields of content to fully personalised digital content - the more personalised the content, the better the reponse!
Why not let's find a way to make the landing-page environment more individual by learning from visitor's site movements thus making RSS a more attractive option?
Sent with Instant Email from T-Mobile
Does email blogging make sense?
For marketing bods, does mobile blogging have any use? Sony ericsson launched the w800i fairly successfully in 2005 using a photography submit competition so maybe posting via mobile is the new chat room?
To receive a link of a new post via rss to a mobile is as good as permission-based sms is it not?
Maybe there are technology issues but for something like club nokia, this sort of thing would go down a storm!
Sent with Instant Email from T-Mobile
One thing that strikes me as odd though is that with so much political/religious tension between The Middle-East and The West, can these companies genuinely expect to get the same sort of returns that Vodafone achieved - even if they COULD attract the football-going public to fork out a small fortune to fly with them?
Vodafone were able to add significant revenue streams like club/network exclusive tie-ins and material (United goals, logo's, ringtones etc.), and increased the number of subscribers as a result.
Can an airline whose destinations are in what many Westerners are led to believe are generally "hostile" regions expect to get a significant level of return?
Equally, is the cash-strapped football fan forking out £50 a week to watch the game (including travel and food etc.) really the type of person they are looking to attract?
I'm not convinced about the benefits, but football is a money game these days so best of luck to them!
Anyone with any idea, please do let me know as I am now beginning to lose track!!